Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Much has happened since my last entry.  For one, my wife and I have moved to Florida from Ohio.   We are now in The Villages, which has several writers' clubs that help nurture aspiring writers (almost all of whom are self-published).

Since my last blog entry I have:

1)  self-published Consenting Adults Only in paperback, and begun publicizing it (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).  The Kindle edition will be out later this month.  Amazon site for the book:

I've entered the book in the Goodreads' giveaway program, whereby 10 copies will be given away by Goodreads; this should help generate interest in the book.  The Goodreads program runs from Oct 18 to Dec 1, 2015.

2)  created an author page on Amazon, something every published author should have.  Many authors are not aware of the option.  My author page URL is www.amazon.com/author/drlawrencemartin/.  To set one up go to https://authorcentral.amazon.com/

3) removed my ebook The Wall:  Chronicle of a Scuba Dive from Smashwords, in order to have it exclusively on Kindle. This allowed me to enter the book in KDP Select.
Among other advantages, KDP Select allows the author to have 5-day periods where the book can be given away free, thereby helping to generate readership and interest.   


4)  received illustrator's drawings for my Gravity children's book, and begun downloading stock photos from Shutterstock ($229 for 25 photos; subscription good for a year).  I hope to have this book out by the end of 2015.  Below is a draft of the cover.

5) received notice from Civil War Navy magazine that Out of Time:  An alternative outcome to the Civil War will be reviewed in its November issue.  http://civilwarnavy.com/
The editor stated it would be a favorable review ("9/10").


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Whether we like it or not, self-published authors must also do what they can to market their books, which essentially means making people aware of them.  Ultimately, though, the quality of the book is what will matter.  If it doesn't interest people, all the publicity in the world won't help.